- hostname R1
- !
- boot-start-marker
- boot-end-marker
- ipv6 unicast-routing---------------使能IPv6转发(这种问题不再赘述,接口同)
- ipv6 cef
- ipv6 dhcp pool cisco---------------创建DHCPv6地址池
- address prefix 23::/64------------添加要进行分配的前缀
- interface GigabitEthernet1/0
- no ip address
- negotiation auto
- ipv6 address 12::1/64
- ipv6 enable
- ipv6 dhcp server cisco------------在接口使能DHCPv6 Server功能,并绑定地址池
- ipv6 ospf 110 area 0--------------为了保证DHCPv6报文穿越Relay设备,要在server上配置路由
- !
- ipv6 router ospf 110
- router-id配置OSPFv3路由(据说RFC规定ospfv3不会自己选择router-id,所以要手工配置喽)
复制代码 RELAY端配置:- R2#sho run
- *Apr 6 22:29:31.247: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
- R2#sho run
- !
- hostname R2
- !
- no ip domain lookup
- ipv6 unicast-routing--------------同server
- ipv6 cef
- interface GigabitEthernet1/0------接口正常配置即可(relay与server相连的接口)
- no ip address
- negotiation auto
- ipv6 address 12::1/64
- ipv6 enable
- ipv6 ospf 110 area 0
- !
- !
- interface GigabitEthernet2/0
- no ip address
- negotiation auto
- ipv6 address 23::/64
- ipv6 address 23::2/64
- ipv6 enable
- ipv6 dhcp relay destination 12::1-----在relay与client相连的接口上使能relay,并指定server地址
- ipv6 ospf 110 area 0
- ipv6 router ospf 110
- router-id
复制代码 CLIENT端配置:- R3#sho run
- ip source-route
- ip cef
- !
- !
- !
- !
- no ip domain lookup
- ipv6 unicast-routing
- ipv6 cef
- !
- interface GigabitEthernet1/0
- no ip address
- negotiation auto
- ipv6 address dhcp----------------------Client上使用此命令获取地址,同v4雷同
- ipv6 enable
- ipv6 ospf 110 area 0-------------------为了安全起见,我client上也使能了ospfv3(这里要提示一下ospfv3是利用链路本地地址建立的,而非ip地址,具体原因请参考本站其它资料或请教管理员,嘿嘿!)
- !
- !
- !
- ipv6 router ospf 110
- router-id
- log-adjacency-changes
复制代码 查看客户端状态:- R3(config-if)#do sh ipv dh int g1/0------------------查看dhcpv6接口G1/0
- GigabitEthernet1/0 is in client mode
- Prefix State is IDLE
- Address State is OPEN--------------------------------open即为申请到地址或委托前缀
- Renew for address will be sent in 11:59:39
- List of known servers:
- Reachable via address: FE80::C801:15FF:FEE8:38--relay的链路本地地址,此值取于分配给客户端地址的server链路本地地址(这里有relay设备,relay填充了这个值)
- DUID: 00030001CA0015E80000-------------------------同上,这里填充的是relay设备的duid,若客户端与server直连,则是server的duid
- Preference: 0-------------------------------------------------server优先级,RFC规定默认值为0,可以手工修改
- Configuration parameters:
- IA NA: IA ID 0x00040001, T1 43200, T2 69120------IAID与T1、T2的值
- Address: 23::C832:BFBD:F4F:DD55/128---------申请到的地址
- preferred lifetime 86400, valid lifetime 172800---首选寿命与有效寿命
- expires at Apr 08 2011 10:19 PM (172780 seconds)--release的时间点
- Information refresh time: 0-----------------------------------------信息刷新时间,可以在客户端配置
- Prefix Rapid-Commit: disabled-----------------------------------------DHCPv6获取前缀快速交换选项未使能
- Address Rapid-Commit: disabled--------------------------------------DHCPv6获取地址快速交换选项未使能
复制代码 分配前缀的配置:
待续!!!困,睡觉啦 |
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